Region | Title | System | Version | Edition | Languages | Serial | Status |
 | Sid Meier's Civilization II シヴィライゼーションⅡ | PC | 2.11J | PC Game Best Series Platinum Selection, Premium Pack (PC Game Best Series Platinum Selection) | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | J.B. Harold no Jikenbo: Manhattan Requiem: Yami ni Tobu Tenshi-tachi J.B.ハロルドの事件簿 マンハッタン・レクイエム 闇に翔ぶ天使たち | PC | 1.00 | PC Game Best Series, PC Game Best Series: Platinum Selection | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Ziyou Yu Rongyao (Feimaipin) 自由与荣耀 | PC | 1.6.2 | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim: Youxi Shipin Gonglüe 伊苏6:纳比斯汀方舟:游戏视频攻略 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Ys V: Ushinawareta Suna no Miyako Kefin イースⅤ失われた砂の都ケフィン | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | YS5-GAME0302 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Yongyuan De Ys II (Ys Special Collection) 永遠的伊蘇Ⅱ | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | KG-6051 |  |
 | Winning Post 7: Special Data CD ウイニングポスト7 スペシャルデータCD | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | DATA-20919 |  |
 | Ultima Online: The Second Age | PC | 1.26.0 | PC Game Bundle | | 1051117 |  |
 | Ubi Xinpin Zhanshipan 育碧新品展示盘 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Star Wars: Making Magic スターウォーズ メイキングマジック | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | SimCity 4 (Disc 2) 模擬城市:福爾摩沙 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Shin Seiki Evangelion: Eva to Yukaina Nakama-tachi: Shinroku System Onsei Data Iri CD-ROM 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン エヴァと愉快な仲間たち 新録システム音声データ入りCD-ROM | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Shanghai Ubi Quanxin Youxi Zhanshipan 上海育碧全新游戏展示盘 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Sega PC Collection Vol. 1 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | 673-04569 |  |
 | Sangokushi: Special Data CD 三國志 スペシャルデータCD | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | KOEI-S10DATA |  |
 | Resident Evil 2: Capcom Ziliaopan Resident Evil 2—Capcom资料盘 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Princess Maker: Pocket Daisakusen 美少女梦工场:魔法石大作战 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Princess Maker: Go! Go! Princess 美少女梦工场 ~Go!Go!美少女~ | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Princess Maker CD-ROM Gashuu: Princess Maker Works 美少女梦工场插画CD:Princess Maker Works | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Premium Demonstration CD-ROM | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | PDC-V1.00D |  |
 | Nobunaga no Yabou: Digital Jiten 信長の野望 デジタル事典 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | KOEI-21060 |  |
 | Mona-kun Chou Otakara CD-ROM モナくん超お宝CD-ROM | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | NF02024 |  |
 | Memories Off 2nd (Ziliaopian) 秋之回憶2 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Koei Win Festa '96: Campaign CD-ROM KOEI Winフェスタ‘96 キャンペーンCD-ROM | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | KW-96 |  |
 | Koei Win Festa '95: Special CD-ROM KOEI Winフェスタ‘95 スペシャルCD-ROM | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | KF-95 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Koei Value Set Campaign: Special CD-ROM KOEI バリューセット キャンペーン スペシャルCD-ROM | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | KV96-01 |  |
 | Huanmo Bazhu: Danren Renwu Shiwanban 幻魔霸主:單人任務試玩版 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | 1482407 |  |
 | Hitman 2: Silent Assassin ヒットマン2:サイレントアサシン | PC | 1.02 | PC Game Bundle | | EW-1006 |  |
 | Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (Ziliaopan) 终极刺客2:沉默杀手 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | EverQuest (Disc 2) 无尽的任务 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | EverQuest (Disc 1) 无尽的任务 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Dianwan Xin Shili 電玩新勢力 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Command & Conquer: Generals: Bonus Officer's Club Membership CD 終極動員令:將軍:軍官俱樂部 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Capcom Guanfang Yanshipan Capcom官方演示盘 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Blair Witch Volume III: The Elly Kedward Tale 布莱尔女巫卷一:小镇幽灵 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Atmos Tetsujin Re-Mix アトモス 鉄人 リミックス | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | SYN C H0 007 E3 |  |
 | Ankh 2: Tutankhamen no Nazo: Making of Ankh 2: Iseki Meguri Photo-shuu CD-ROM アンク2 ~ツタンカーメンの謎~ メイキング オブ アンク2 遺跡巡りフォト集CD-ROM | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Ankh 2: Tutankhamen no Nazo: Auto Demo-ban アンク2 ~ツタンカーメンの謎~ オートデモ版 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Akai Takami Works: Akai Takami CD-ROM Gashuu 赤井孝美Works | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Sega's Trident Sampler Disc | PC | | PC Hardware Bundle | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Sega Worldwide Soccer PC セガワールドワイドサッカーPC | PC | 1.09J | PCHome | | 506-9781 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | A Ressha de Ikou: The 21st Century Power Up Kit Vol. 2 A列車で行こう The 21st Century Power Up Kit Vol.2 | PC | | Perfect Set | | |  |
 | A Ressha de Ikou: The 21st Century Power Up Kit A列車で行こう The 21st Century Power Up Kit | PC | | Perfect Set | | |  |
 | A Ressha de Ikou: The 21st Century (Game Disc) A列車で行こう The 21st Century | PC | | Perfect Set (Sourcenext Selection) | | |  |
 | A Ressha de Ikou: The 21st Century (Install Disc) A列車で行こう The 21st Century | PC | | Perfect Set (Sourcenext Selection) | | |  |
 | Gran Turismo 4: Prologue 跑車浪漫旅4 序章版 | PS2 | 1.00 | PlayStation 2 Racing Pack | | PBPX 95524 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Postal 2 Complete Pack: Nihongo Manual ポスタル2 コンプリートパック 日本語マニュアル | PC | | Plus Alpha | | |  |
 | Shining Blade: Haru no Shin Seikatsu Ouen Fan Disc シャイニング・ブレイド 春の新生活応援ファンディスク | PC | | Pre-Order Bonus | | |  |
 | Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends: Gentei Tokuten Original CD マイクロソフト ライズ オブ ネイション : ライズ オブ レジェンド 限定特典CD | PC | | Pre-Order Bonus | | |  |
 | Zhongji Dongyuanling: Hongse Jingjie 3 終極動員令:紅色警戒3 | PC | 1.00 | Premier Edition | | 1917307 |  |
 | Winning Post 7 (Disc 2) ウイニングポスト7 | PC | | Premium Box | | KOEI-20919B |  |
 | Winning Post 7 (Disc 1) ウイニングポスト7 | PC | | Premium Box | | KOEI-20919A |  |
 | Sangokushi 11 (Install Disc) 三國志11 | PC | 1.0 | Premium Box | | KOEI-23484A |  |
 | Sangokushi 11 (Game Disc) 三國志11 | PC | 1.0 | Premium Box | | KOEI-23484B |  |
 | Nobunaga no Yabou: Tendou 信長の野望・天道 | PC | 1.0.0 | Premium Box | | KOEI-32745 |  |
 | Nobunaga no Yabou: Kakushin 信長の野望・革新 | PC | 1.00 | Premium Box | | KOEI-21053 |  |
 | Haruka naru Toki no Naka de 2 (Disc 2) (Game Disc) 遙かなる時空の中で2 | PC | | Premium Box | | KOEI-16431B | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Haruka naru Toki no Naka de 2 (Disc 1) (Install Disc) 遙かなる時空の中で2 | PC | | Premium Box | | KOEI-16431A | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Sid Meier's Civilization II: Fantastic Worlds シヴィライゼーションⅡ ファンタスティックワールド | PC | 2.7.81 | Premium Pack (PC Game Best Series Platinum Selection) | | |  |
 | Sid Meier's Civilization II Scenarios: Conflicts in Civilization シヴィライゼーションⅡ シナリオ | PC | 2.62 | Premium Pack (PC Game Best Series Platinum Selection) | | |  |
 | Monarch Monarch モナークモナーク | PC | | Premium-ban | | NF03011 |  |
 | Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 (Disc 3) マイクロソフト フライト シミュレータ 2000 | PC | 7.00 Build 4781 | Professional Edition | | 1099 Part No. X05-21124 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 (Disc 2) マイクロソフト フライト シミュレータ 2000 | PC | 7.00 Build 4781 | Professional Edition | | 1099 Part No. X05-12043 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 (Disc 1) マイクロソフト フライト シミュレータ 2000 | PC | 7.00 Build 4781 | Professional Edition | | 1099 Part No. X05-12040 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 (Disc 3) マイクロソフト フライト シミュレータ 2002 | PC | 8.00.10919.01 | Professional Edition (Shokai Gentei) | | 1101 Part No. X08-51535 |  |
 | Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 (Disc 2) マイクロソフト フライト シミュレータ 2002 | PC | 8.00.10919.01 | Professional Edition (Shokai Gentei) | | 1101 Part No. X08-51533 |  |
 | Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 (Disc 1) マイクロソフト フライト シミュレータ 2002 | PC | 8.00.10919.01 | Professional Edition (Shokai Gentei) | | 1101 Part No. X08-51531 |  |
 | Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3: Memorial CD 遙かなる時空の中で3 メモリアルCD | PC | | PS2 Game Bundle | | KOEI-00075-CD | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Gothic 3 哥特王朝3 | PC | | Pujiban | | |  |
 | Mofamen Xilie Zhi Yingxiong Wudi 魔法门系列之英雄无敌 | PC | | Qianxi Diancangban | | |  |
 | Shan Yu E: Shenshoudao 善與惡:神獸島 | PC | 1.23 | Quanzhongwen Wanzhengban | | |  |
 | LEGO Stunt Rally | PC | 0.381 | Racing and Adventure Pack: LEGO Masterpiece | | 1243707 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | LEGO Racers | PC | 1.000 | Racing and Adventure Pack: LEGO Masterpiece | | 1243207 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge | PC | | Racing and Adventure Pack: LEGO Masterpiece, Scholastic | | 1252207, 9473462C SP3 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Puyo Puyo ぷよぷよ | PC | | Reprice Edition | | WR-9762 |  |
 | Yiyu Zhenhunqu (Disc 4) 異域鎮魂曲 | PC | 1.0.0 | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Yiyu Zhenhunqu (Disc 3) 異域鎮魂曲 | PC | 1.0.0 | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Yiyu Zhenhunqu (Disc 1) 異域鎮魂曲 | PC | 1.0.0 | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Wrestle Life レッスルライフ | PC | | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D | PC | 1.3 | Rerelease | | 6521830 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | SimTown シムタウン | PC | | Rerelease | | WIC-5126 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | SimCity 4: Rush Hour (Ziliaopian) 模擬城市:福爾摩沙:尖峰時刻 | PC | 1.1.613.0 | Rerelease | | |  |
 | SimCity 3000 模拟城市3000 | PC | 1.0.557 | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Shengsi Zhijian II: Mori Chuanshuo 生死之间Ⅱ:末日传说 | PC | 1.0 | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Seven Kingdoms II: The Fryhtan Wars 七国演义II:群魔乱舞 | PC | 1.0 | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Puyo Puyo ぷよぷよ | PC | | Rerelease | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Puyo Puyo ぷよぷよ | PC | | Rerelease | | WR-9662 |  |
 | Project X: Kizamareta Kami no Okite プロジェクトX 刻まれた神の掟 | PC | | Rerelease | | IBBC99028 |  |
 | Nobunaga no Yabou: Soutenroku 信長の野望 蒼天録 | PC | 1.1.0 | Rerelease | | KOEI-16578 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Monkey Island: Special Edition Collection | PC | 1.0 | Rerelease | | 021563, MI-PC-LBL-EFIGS-1L | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Lu Ding Ji: Episode II (Yinyuanpian) 鹿鼎記 Episode II | PC | | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Lu Ding Ji: Episode II (Di-Yi Pian) 鹿鼎記 Episode II | PC | | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Jiaofu 教父 | PC | 1.0 | Rerelease | | 1497707 |  |
 | J. B. Harold: Blue Chicago Blues (Disc 1) J.B.ハロルド ブルー・シカゴ・ブルース | PC | | Rerelease | | RHWD5111 |  |
 | Interstate '76 (Disc 2) 公路争霸战——州际风暴 | PC | 1.0 | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Interstate '76 (Disc 1) 公路争霸战——州际风暴 | PC | 1.0 | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Huohuli 火狐狸 | PC | | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Eiyuu Kourin: The Seven Heroes & Cinderella (Disc 2) 英雄降臨 | PC | | Rerelease | | ALG002 |  |
 | Casino Master | PC | | Rerelease | | 02432 |  |
 | Atlantis: The Lost Tales (Disc 4) 亚特兰提斯:失落的传说 | PC | | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Atlantis: The Lost Tales (Disc 3) 亚特兰提斯:失落的传说 | PC | | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Atlantis: The Lost Tales (Disc 2) 亚特兰提斯:失落的传说 | PC | | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Atlantis: The Lost Tales (Disc 1) 亚特兰提斯:失落的传说 | PC | | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Rongyu Xunzhang: Tuchu Chongwei 榮譽勳章:突出重圍 | PC | 2.0 | Rongyu Xunzhang: Shinian Diancang | | |  |
 | Rongyu Xunzhang: Taipingyang Zhanyi (Disc 1) 榮譽勳章:太平洋戰役 | PC | 1.0 | Rongyu Xunzhang: Shinian Diancang | | 1471807 |  |
 | Rongyu Xunzhang: Fangong Normandy (Disc 1) 榮譽勳章:反攻諾曼第 | PC | 1.0 | Rongyu Xunzhang: Shinian Diancang | | |  |
 | Sanguozhi 12 Weili Jiaqiangban 三國志12 威力加強版 | PC | | Sanguozhi 12 with Weili Jiaqiangban | | 13.06.01022 |  |
 | Sanguozhi 12 三國志12 | PC | | Sanguozhi 12 with Weili Jiaqiangban | | 13.06.01021 |  |
 | Sanguozhi VIII Weili Jiaqiangban 三國志Ⅷ 威力加強版 | PC | 1.0 | Sanguozhi VIII with Weili Jiaqiangban: Koei the Best | | 07.07.01021 |  |
 | Sanguozhi VIII 三國志Ⅷ | PC | 1.0 | Sanguozhi VIII with Weili Jiaqiangban: Koei the Best | | 05.11.01021 |  |
 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas | PC | 2.0 | Second Edition, Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy | | 31586-1.5 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Sheng-Hua Weiji 生化危机 | PC | | Sheng-Hua Weiji Xilie Daheji | | |  |
 | Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 柏德之門:劍灣傳奇 | PC | 1.03.5508 | Shiji Diancang Zhongwenban | | CR037-6 |  |
 | Baldur's Gate (Disc 1) 柏德之門 | PC | 1.1.4315 | Shiji Diancang Zhongwenban | | CR037-1 |  |
 | Zhuti Yiyuan 主题医院 | PC | | Shiji Huigu Jinianban | | |  |
 | Yinyi Shashou (Disc 2) 银翼杀手 | PC | | Shiji Huigu Jinianban | | |  |
 | Yinyi Shashou (Disc 1) 银翼杀手 | PC | | Shiji Huigu Jinianban | | |  |
 | Yinhe Feijiang V: Shiji De Yuyan (Disc 1) 银河飞将Ⅴ:世纪的预言 | PC | 1.05F | Shiji Huigu Jinianban | | |  |
 | Tiejia Fengbao: Heise Zhanxian 铁甲风暴—黑色战线 | PC | 1.00 | Shiji Huigu Jinianban | | |  |
 | Tiejia Fengbao 铁甲风暴 | PC | 1.00 | Shiji Huigu Jinianban | | |  |
 | Silent Hunter 猎杀潜航:沉默猎手 | PC | 1.0 | Shiji Huigu Jinianban | | |  |
 | Moto Racer 摩托英豪 | PC | | Shiji Huigu Jinianban | | |  |
 | Moshou Zhengba 2: Heichao 魔兽争霸II——黑潮 | PC | 1.21china | Shiji Huigu Jinianban | | |  |
 | Longwang Sanguo Yanyi 龙王三国演义 | PC | | Shiji Huigu Jinianban | | |  |
 | Jane's Combat Simulations: IAF: Israeli Air Force 以色列空军 | PC | 1.0 | Shiji Huigu Jinianban | | |  |
 | Holmes Tan'an 2: Meigui Wenshen 福尔摩斯探案2:玫瑰纹身 | PC | | Shiji Huigu Jinianban | | |  |
 | Battlezone 终极战区——战争地带 | PC | | Shiji Huigu Jinianban | | CDW-3990.101.US |  |
 | Sanguo Yingxiongzhuan 三国英雄传 | PC | | Shiji Zhencangban | | |  |
 | Chaoji Wuziqi 超级五子棋 | PC | | Shiji Zhencangban | | |  |
 | Shin Sangoku Musou 4: Digital Figure 真・三國無双4 デジタルフィギュア | PC | 1.0 | Shin Sangoku Musou 4: Digital Figure with Original Sound Track | | KOEI-21350-01 |  |
 | Shiluo Dadi 失落大地 | PC | 0.90 | Shiwanban | | ID-1150 |  |
 | Shining Wind: Fan Festa シャイニング・ウィンド FANフェスタ | PC | | Shokai Genteiban | | 673-04836 |  |
 | Relics: The Recur of Origin レリクス ザ リカー オブ オリジン | PC | 1.00 | Shokai Genteiban | | WR-00109 |  |
 | Real Time Daisenryaku Plus Internet Taisen: SoftBank Premium CD-ROM リアルタイム版大戦略+インターネット対戦 ソフトバンク プレミアムCD-ROM | PC | | Shokai Genteiban | | SB1-V1.00 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Clannad クラナド | PC | | Shokai Genteiban | | |  |
 | Sakura Taisen (Disc 3) サクラ大戦 | PC | | Shokai Genteiban, Fukyuuban | | 673-00192, 673-01921 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Sakura Taisen (Disc 2) サクラ大戦 | PC | | Shokai Genteiban, Fukyuuban | | 673-00191, 673-01920 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Sakura Taisen (Disc 1) サクラ大戦 | PC | | Shokai Genteiban, Fukyuuban | | 673-00190, 673-01919 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Shining Tears Material Collection シャイニング・ティアーズ マテリアル コレクション | PC | | Shokai Seisan Genteiban | | 673-04287 |  |
 | Medieval II: Total War (Disc 2) メディーバル2:トータルウォー | PC | 1.1 | Shokai Seisan Genteiban | | 673-04496 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Medieval II: Total War (Disc 1) メディーバル2:トータルウォー | PC | 1.1 | Shokai Seisan Genteiban | | 673-04495 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Gadget: Invention, Travel, & Adventure ガジェット | PC | | Shokai Tokuten | | TORT-2002 |  |
 | Sonic R 索尼克R | PC | | Sonic | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Sonic CD 索尼克CD | PC | 1.0 | Sonic | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Sonic 3D Blast 索尼克3D | PC | 1.00 | Sonic | | |  |
 | Sonic & Knuckles 索尼克与纳克鲁斯 | PC | | Sonic | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Shin Eiyuu Densetsu 新 英雄伝説 | PC | 1.00 | Sourcenext Selection | | |  |
 | Sangokushi X Power-Up Kit 三國志Ⅹ パワーアップキット | PC | | Sourcenext Selection | | |  |
 | Nobunaga no Yabou: Ranseiki 信長の野望 嵐世記 | PC | 1.20 | Sourcenext Selection | | |  |
 | Kurogane no Houkou 2: Warship Commander 鋼鉄の咆哮2 ウォーシップコマンダー | PC | | Sourcenext Selection | | |  |
 | Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenka Sousei: Power-Up Kit 信長の野望 天下創世 パワーアップキット | PC | 1.10 | Sourcenext Selection (Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenka Sousei with Power-Up Kit) | | |  |
 | Disney Interactive Games Sampler: Volume II | PC | | Special Edition | | #99280 |  |
 | Star Wars: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire (Disc 1) スターウォーズ レベルアサルト2 | PC | FR1.14, WF1.10 | Special Pack | | |  |
 | Puyo Puyo Tsuu for Windows ぷよぷよ通 for Windows | PC | | Special Price | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Hitman: Codename 47 ヒットマン | PC | b192 | Special Price!! | | TSYC-W1007E1 |  |
 | Lu Ding Ji: Episode II: Gonglüe Baodian Tebie Fulu Guangdie: Weili Jiaqiangban Plus 鹿鼎記 Episode II 攻略寶典特別附錄光碟 威力加強版PLUS | PC | | Strategy Guide Bundle | | |  |
 | Gyakuten Saiban 3 逆転裁判3 | PC | | Taikenban | | |  |
 | Gyakuten Saiban 2 逆転裁判2 | PC | | Taikenban | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Sega PC Greatest Hits Series Vol. 2 | PC | | Taikenban, PC Game Bundle | | 670-10528 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Landao Wuyu: Shaonü De Yueding (Game Disc) 蘭島物語:少女的約定 | PC | 1.00 | Tebieban | | |  |
 | Taige Lizhizhuan V 太閤立志傳Ⅴ | PC | 1.10 | Tecmo Koei the Best | | 10.10.01041 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Tenka Touitsu: Soukoku no Hate: Scenario-shuu 天下統一 相剋の果て シナリオ集 | PC | 1.00 | Tenka Touitsu: Soukoku no Hate: Value Pack | | 0070391TA |  |
 | Farland Odyssey: Densetsu o Tsugu Mono ファーランドオデッセイ ~伝説を継ぐ者~ | PC | | TGL 2000 Series | | |  |
 | Moni Shimin 2: Shishang Shenghuo Zuhe 模擬市民2:時尚生活組合 | PC | | The Sims 2: Glamour Life Stuff + Happy Holiday Stuff Compilation | | 1520807 |  |
 | Sid Meier's Civilization II 文明Ⅱ | PC | 1.0 | Tianren Hudong Chaozhi Diancang Xilie | | |  |
 | Siwang Zhi Wu 死亡之屋 | PC | 1.6 | Tianren Hudong Jingzhuang Pujiban | | |  |
 | B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th B-17飞行堡垒 | PC | 2.0 | Tianren Hudong Jingzhuang Pujiban | | |  |
 | Taishou Juuni Nendo: Dennou Kiroku Nenkan: Sakura Taisen Digital Data-shuu (Disc 2) 大正十二年度 電脳記録年鑑 サクラ大戦 デジタルデータ集 | PC | | Tokubetsu Genteiban | | 670-11540 |  |
 | Taishou Juuni Nendo: Dennou Kiroku Nenkan: Sakura Taisen Digital Data-shuu (Disc 1) 大正十二年度 電脳記録年鑑 サクラ大戦 デジタルデータ集 | PC | | Tokubetsu Genteiban | | 670-11513 |  |
 | Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven (Disc 2) マイト&マジック6 ザ マンデート オブ ヘブン | PC | | Tokubetsu Genteiban | | |  |
 | Wing Commander: Deluxe Edition | PC | | Top Ten Pak II | | 7598 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Starflight II Starflight 2: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula | PC | | Top Ten Pak II | | 7588 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | ShadowCaster | PC | | Top Ten Pak II | | 5454 |  |
 | Sangokushi 13 Power-Up Kit 三國志13 パワーアップキット | PC | | Treasure Box | | KTGS-00550 |  |
 | Age of Mythology: Gold Edition | PC | | Ubisoft eXclusive | | |  |
 | World Neverland: The Olerud Kingdom Stories ワールド・ネバーランド ~オルルド王国物語~ | PC | | Ultra 2000/Ultra Series | | MKW-047 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Tamagotchi CD-ROM たまごっちCD-ROM | PC | | US Version | | BDE-50014 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Teitoku no Ketsudan II 提督の決断Ⅱ | PC | 1.0 | Value Set Series | | KN10-52106 |  |
 | Sangokushi Koumeiden 三國志孔明伝 | PC | 1.0 | Value Set Series | | KN11-15101 |  |
 | Sangokushi Eiketsuden 三國志英傑伝 | PC | 1.0 | Value Set Series | | KN10-82105 |  |
 | Winning Post 2 Plus with Power-Up Kit ウイニングポスト2 プラス with パワーアップキット | PC | 1.2 | Value Set Series: Winning Post 2 Plus with Power-Up Kit / Winning Post 3 with Power-Up Kit | | KN11-32101 |  |
 | Shiji Diguo III (Disc 1) (Anzhuang Guangdie) 世紀帝國Ⅲ | PC | 1.12 | Wanquanban | | 0812 Part No. X18-45747-01 |  |
 | Moshou Zhengba III: Hanbing Baquan (Expansion Set) 魔獸爭霸Ⅲ:寒冰霸權 | PC | 1.07 | WarCraft Battle Chest | | S8538110 |  |
 | Moshou Zhengba III 魔獸爭霸Ⅲ | PC | 1.00 | WarCraft Battle Chest | | S8532610 |  |
 | Sid Meier's Civilization III: Conquests 文明帝國Ⅲ:一統天下 | PC | 1.00 | Wenming Diguo III Jingdian Quanji | | |  |
 | Sid Meier's Civilization III 文明帝國Ⅲ | PC | 1.07f | Wenming Diguo III Jingdian Quanji | | |  |
 | Mouja もうぢゃ | PC | | Windows 95 | | |  |
 | Winning Post 3 ウイニングポスト3 | PC | 1.0 | Winning Post 3 with Power-Up Kit | | KN11-55101 |  |
 | Sangokushi IV 三國志Ⅳ | MAC | | with Soundware | | KN10571070 |  |
 | Nobunaga no Yabou: Haouden 信長の野望・覇王伝 | FMT | | with Soundware | | HME-114 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Project: Sirene: Strictly Confidential Military File | PC | | WonderSwan Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Xinchang Zhi Yewang: Gexin Weili Jiaqiangban 信長之野望・革新 威力加強版 | PC | 1.00 | Xinchang Zhi Yewang: Gexin with Weili Jiaqiangban | | 07.12.01031 |  |
 | Xinchang Zhi Yewang: Gexin 信長之野望・革新 | PC | 1.02 | Xinchang Zhi Yewang: Gexin with Weili Jiaqiangban | | 07.12.01032 |  |
 | Xinchang Zhi Yewang: Tiandao Weili Jiaqiangban 信長之野望・天道 威力加強版 | PC | 1.0.0 | Xinchang Zhi Yewang: Tiandao with Weili Jiaqiangban | | 11.01.01032 |  |
 | Xinchang Zhi Yewang: Tiandao 信長之野望・天道 | PC | 1.0.0 | Xinchang Zhi Yewang: Tiandao with Weili Jiaqiangban | | 11.01.01031 |  |
 | Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns 可汗:雄霸天下 | PC | 1.3.1 | Xinnian Tehuizhuang | | |  |
 | Mingxing Zhiyuan 2 (Youxipian) 明星志願2 | PC | 1.3 | XP Ban | | |  |
 | Mingxing Zhiyuan 2 (Anzhuangpian) 明星志願2 | PC | 1.3 | XP Ban | | |  |
 | Xuan-Yuan Jian 3 Waizhuan: Tian Zhi Hen (Disc 3) (Ditu Ziliao) 軒轅劍參外傳:天之痕 | PC | 1.0 | Xuan-Yuan Jian 15 Zhounian | | |  |
 | Xuan-Yuan Jian 3: Yun He Shan De Bi Duan 軒轅劍參:雲和山的彼端 | PC | 1.02DVD | Xuan-Yuan Jian 20 Zhounian DVD Zhencangban (Original & 2013 Re-release) | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | 1503 Meili Xin Shijie (Disc 2) 1503美麗新世界 | PC | 1.04 | Youxi Jianianhua | | |  |
 | 1503 Meili Xin Shijie (Disc 1) 1503美麗新世界 | PC | 1.04 | Youxi Jianianhua | | |  |
 | Type da Puyo Puyo たいぷdaぷよぷよ | PC | | Yuu Yuu 1980yen | | MKY-038 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kanon カノン | PC | | Zennenrei Taisho-Ban | | |  |
 | Yinyue Do-Re-Mi 音乐哆唻咪 | PC | 1.01 | Zhima Kai Men | | |  |
 | World Football 98 世界足球98 | PC | | Zhima Kai Men | | |  |
 | Wenming III: Youxi Shijie (Disc 2) 文明Ⅲ:游戏世界 | PC | 1.14f | Zhima Kai Men | | |  |
 | Wenming III: Youxi Shijie (Disc 1) 文明Ⅲ:游戏世界 | PC | 1.14f | Zhima Kai Men | | |  |
 | Waterloo: Napoleon's Last Battle 决战滑铁卢:拿破仑战史 | PC | 1.003 | Zhima Kai Men | | |  |
 | VR Tejing 2 VR特警2 | PC | 1.0 | Zhima Kai Men | | |  |
 | Rayman Yingyu Wanshitong: Xiaji 雷曼英语万事通:下集 | PC | 1.02 | Zhima Kai Men | | |  |
 | Rayman Yingyu Wanshitong: Shangji 雷曼英语万事通:上集 | PC | 1.02 | Zhima Kai Men | | |  |
 | Rayman Yingyu Da Chuangguan: Gaojipian 雷曼英语大闯关:高级篇 | PC | 1.20 | Zhima Kai Men | | |  |
 | POD 生死赛车 | PC | 2.0 | Zhima Kai Men | | |  |
 | Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2 摩纳哥大奖赛—模拟赛车2 | PC | | Zhima Kai Men | | |  |
 | Laura De Kuaile Lixian 劳拉的快乐历险 | PC | | Zhima Kai Men | | |  |
 | Labi Xiaoxin 2 蜡笔小新2 | PC | | Zhima Kai Men | | |  |
 | Earthworm Jim: Special Edition 蚯蚓精灵 | PC | | Zhima Kai Men | | |  |
 | Dongzhou Lieguozhi 东周列国志 | PC | | Zhima Kai Men | | |  |
 | Ali De Huanle Muchang 阿历的欢乐牧场 | PC | | Zhima Kai Men | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition 刺客教條 | PC | 1.02 | Zhongwen Tegongban | | |  |
 | Assassin's Creed: Chinese Localization Patch 《刺客教條》中文安裝光碟 | PC | | Zhongwen Tegongban | | |  |
 | Sangokushi Battlefield 三國志 Battlefield | PC | | βversion | | β-17292 |  |